• In these last three verses of chapter 35, we have a picture of a great highway. It’s looking ahead to a time when God’s people are redeemed. The people of God, redeemed by Him, shall come to their true journey’s end. They shall be able to go to their true home, to their Father’s house. This is all looking, of […]

  • When we talk about quenching something, we usually talk about quenching a thirst. We talk about quenching a fire. How do we do that? We get buckets of water, and we pour them on. By the time we are done, it is quenched, it is drowned, it is out, and the fire cannot burn anymore. What we have here is […]

  • Should we look from Isaiah forward to the days of the gospel? We read here of the eyes of the blind opened, the ears of the deaf unstopped, the lame leaping like a deer, the tongue of the dumb singing. Think, for example, of John 9, with Jesus healing the man born blind. Think of Mark 7:31-37, with the man […]