• See what is freely offered, freely given in these two verses. It is as if someone is on a hilltop with a crowd below him milling about. From the hilltop, he calls out loudly but clearly. Everyone looks up to him, and to them he begins these gladsome words. It’s a call to those in whom God has put a […]

  • We who are the bride of Christ have an internal safety and protection from our maker and husband. We are safe, of course, from the enemies on the outside. Not only is it the case that they cannot penetrate our jewel bespangled walls, but it is their walls that shall fall. It is their gate which cannot stand before the […]

  • Can we believe these verses? Is it too good to be true? Certainly not! God’s Word is as secure as His promise to Noah. We’ve not had a Flood like that since, have we? His Word, His promise is utterly trustworthy. What is the substance of the promise in verses 9-10? God will never, never forsake her whom He loves, […]