• These verses teach us the importance of persevering in prayer. As selfish as we are, even we can be roused to action by constant asking. How much more can we expect to receive mercy when we constantly ask God for it. It is far easier to begin a habit of prayer than to keep it up. Many Christians are taught […]

  • Christ teaches us to approach God as our Father in heaven and pray that His name may be known and respected and glorified by all His creatures. We are taught to pray that the power of Satan may be destroyed, that all mankind will call God King, and that the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of Christ. […]

  • The first thing these verses teach us is how different in personality Christians can be. Both Mary and Martha are faithful believers, both honour Christ at a time when few people do, both love Jesus, and Jesus loves both of them. But Martha is active, impulsive, speaking everything she feels, and Mary is quiet and thoughtful. When Jesus comes to […]