• Seeking, here, means diligently searching out. You might not seek a crumb that fell on the floor, but you would a gold coin. Calling, here, means a crying out to someone. It’s a strong crying out, an earnest and heart-felt one. You must do this when He may be found. He is present in many situations, kindly inviting sinners to […]

  • In verse 2, we have the command and plea to listen. Here in verse 3 God makes it more plain. Christ is called the Word in John 1:1. He has come as the revelation of God in the flesh. He is God’s beloved Son – hear Him! (Matthew 17:5) He has good news of forgiveness, of resurrection, of new and […]

  • See what is freely offered, freely given in these two verses. It is as if someone is on a hilltop with a crowd below him milling about. From the hilltop, he calls out loudly but clearly. Everyone looks up to him, and to them he begins these gladsome words. It’s a call to those in whom God has put a […]