• Look at some of the things Paul mentions here. V15: Biting and devouring one another. Those words describe what animals do to one another. But they also describe what churchgoing people do to one another. So how is your speech? How do you speak to your fellow Christians? How do you talk about them if they’re not there. People in […]

  • All through this letter Paul has been arguing that the Galatians are free. They’re not to submit again to slavery by obeying the law in a futile effort to get right with God. Being a Christian means you’re free! To use Paul’s own words, it means you’re not under law, but under grace! Your standing before God and your place […]

  • In v11 Paul deals with an accusation. Apparently, the false teachers were spreading the message that he himself taught circumcision. This seems to be a reference to the fact that Paul had circumcised Timothy in Acts 16. But that was a totally different situation. That was so that he wouldn’t offend the unbelieving Jews that he and Paul were trying […]