1 Samuel 5-6 – God Still Rules

Later in 1 Samuel God’s people will reject his rule over them, and God will raise up a human king over them. But these chapters show us that regardless of what happens, he still rules. You can reject his rule, but he still rules over you. You are still answerable to him, still obligated to keep his law, still required to serve him. You might think you have God in captivity, all tied up with your cleverness, knowledge, and experiences. Like you’ve conquered God and placed him before yourself that all may marvel at your victory, like Dagon and the Philistines did.

But he rules. He rules every aspect of your life. He can crush the idols you chase. He is victorious in seeming defeat. The cross doesn’t look like victory, but it is. He doesn’t need you to do him any favours. You don’t do him a favour by accepting him. He is a holy God, to be treated with reverent fear. Not terror, but as the powerful, special, significant Being he is. He is a God whose hand could be heavy upon you, and that would be far worse than bubonic plague or hemorrhoids.

Perhaps you feel this – his heavy hand upon you. The Philistines, ignorant pagans that they were, still knew a little truth. 6:5 is as close to gospel hope as this incident gets: “Give glory to the God of Israel…perhaps he will lighten his hand.” They are grasping at a truth far more glorious than they can imagine. For there is no “perhaps” about it. Give glory to him, and he will certainly “lighten his hand”. Not because of your valuable offerings, like their golden tumours and mice. But because of his valuable offering – His Son.

He rules. But his crown was of thorns. He suffered under God’s heavy hand, so that we might have God’s hand lightened. No, even better, he suffered that God’s punishing hand may be removed from us. So submit your life to him. All of it.


  1. Have you been feeling God’s hand heavy upon you?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks that Jesus felt the full weight of God’s hand of justice, as the valuable offering that appeases him.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.