1 Samuel 5:6-12 – God Still Rules… Over the Nations

The ark is in enemy territory. In fact, it moves round enemy territory – Ashdod, Gath, Ekron. It moves round because “the hand of the LORD was heavy”. Dagon was now handless (v4), but the hand of God acts mightily. Everywhere it goes tumours afflict the people. It may possibly have been what we now know as bubonic plague – hence the link to mice and boils in 6:4. it may have been hemorrhoids – one old Latin translation puts verse 9 as, “he smote them in the more secret parts of their posteriors”! Cities and regions are thrown into panic (v9-10). Death, disease, and dread. The ark is passed around like a ticking bomb, and Yahweh’s stay in Philistia becomes a victory march.

You see, God rules. Not just in Israel, but in Philistia too. Not just over the nation of Israel, but over the nations of the earth. The Philistines don’t acknowledge his rule or worship him. But he rules over them, and he judges them. Scotland, Ireland, France, America may not acknowledge his rule or worship him. But he still rules over them, like it or not. They can stick their fingers in their ears and sing loudly to try and ignore him, but that doesn’t stop the wrecking ball of judgment that is swinging towards them. You might not acknowledge his rule or worship him. But he still rules over you, like it or not.

Here is Yahweh’s greatest defeat. He’d been captured and put in the stocks to be ridiculed. But he carves victory and vindication from seeming defeat. Glory follows humiliation. In seeming defeat, and from seeming defeat, he reveals his glory. Our eyes are automatically drawn from this scale model to the reality. The battered lifeless corpse on the cross, the most glorious thing in the world, the sign of God with us – smashed by God’s enemies. The King of Glory wears a crown of thorns. But this is his greatest victory, displaying his rule over the nations. Do you look at your congregation and see what looks like defeat? He rules over the nations. He crafts victory from seeming defeat. He will display his glory.


  1. What does God’s rule over the nations mean for your country?
  2. Look at the areas of seeming defeat in your life. What should you expect to see here, in time, by God’s power?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that God would be acknowledged as ruler over your nation.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.