Just because God is faithful in keeping his promises does not mean that everything will be plain sailing. We are given a short but foreboding sentence in verse 8. "There arose a new king who did not know Joseph." The past deliverance that God brought to the land of Egypt all those years previously has now been forgotten.

We are going to look at the book of Exodus using notes written by Rev. Philip Moffett. Exodus chapter 1 verse 1 is a continuation of the Genesis account. The book of Genesis finished with Jacob, his sons, and their families having come down to Egypt. But this raises a serious question - "what has happened to

Jesus returns to the glory He had before in heaven. He is welcomed there as the victorious King, and He rules at the right hand of God. He does not sleep or sit there doing nothing, but He controls every detail of the world. He defends those who trust in Him before God the Father and applies

Jesus now gives His followers a job to do. They are to preach the gospel to all the world - not just Jews. They are to tell everyone of the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and what that means. Wherever they go, they are to take the gospel; if they can’t go to

Mary Magdalene has been forgiven much (Jesus healed her of seven demons), she has loved much, and she is honoured to be the first to see the Lord Jesus Christ after the resurrection. She is last at the cross and first at the grave, and the Lord values her love and faithfulness. Those who honour Christ, He will

Jesus has been in the tomb three days. The sabbath of rest is over; the sabbath where the chief priests, their hands full of the blood of Christ, carry out all the ceremonies of worship to God; the sabbath where it seems Satan has won. But it is the first day of a new week and the first

The agony of the Garden of Gethsemane and the suffering of the cross is over. Now, in these verses, we have the quiet of burial. It is a Friday late afternoon, and Jesus has died. The Jewish Sabbath begins at sunset, and it is against God’s law for a body to be left hanging on a tree

Jesus is betrayed, slandered, beaten, humiliated, insulted, and nailed to a wooden cross. As He hangs on that cross in the middle of the day, surrounded by people mocking Him, darkness falls over the land for three hours. The Light of the World is being destroyed, and the darkness is a sign of God’s curse come upon Jesus.

Jesus is taken to be crucified, and on the way the Roman soldiers force Simon (probably one of Jesus’ followers) to carry the cross. They take Him to Golgotha, which is a hill that looks like a skull. They offer Jesus wine mixed with myrrh which will act as a drug to help the pain, but He refuses.

Jesus’ death is to be many things. It is bloody because blood is a symbol of life, because without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin, and this is the sacrifice that is given to pay for our souls. It is painful - the worst death both physically and spiritually as God forsook Him.