See what is freely offered, freely given in these two verses. It is as if someone is on a hilltop with a crowd below him milling about. From the hilltop, he calls out loudly but clearly. Everyone looks up to him, and to them he begins these gladsome words. It's a call to those in whom God has put a

We who are the bride of Christ have an internal safety and protection from our maker and husband. We are safe, of course, from the enemies on the outside. Not only is it the case that they cannot penetrate our jewel bespangled walls, but it is their walls that shall fall. It is their gate which cannot stand before the

Can we believe these verses? Is it too good to be true? Certainly not! God's Word is as secure as His promise to Noah. We've not had a Flood like that since, have we? His Word, His promise is utterly trustworthy. What is the substance of the promise in verses 9-10? God will never, never forsake her whom He loves,

Who is it that guarantees a seed to the Church? Who is it that calms her fears and assures her of love and spiritual prosperity? It is the Servant of the previous chapter, the One Whose own seed He has delivered, the One Who is the Husband to His bride. He is her mighty Maker, the One who brought her

We have here a picture of a married woman with many children and another woman unable to have children. The married woman is unfaithful Israel and Judah. This married woman was the one who professed to be the people of God. Yet they went into all sorts of idolatry.The picture here is of someone who is singing, singing a song

We have been looking at Jesus being in the place of sinners. Because of that His Father in heaven will divide him a portion with the many, and He shall divide the spoil with the strong. The Hebrew might be a little better translated - 'I will divide up the great for His portion'. His portion will be taken from

The word "anguish" in this verse is sometimes translated "labour" or "travail". It means desperately hard work. That is what Jesus went through in all His life: pathetic birth circumstances, suffering all His life from the effects of the Fall around Him, nearly homeless, heartbroken and dismayed by sin and its effects around Him, misunderstood, fully understood and rejected, lonely,

One translation of the start of verse 10 is that it pleased the Father to bruise the Son. It pleased the Son to be bruised, as well. His delight was to do His Father's will. This is not some enjoyment of cruelty. Rather the Father delighted in being able justly to extend mercy to sinners. All happened according to God's

Here we come to the deepest part of what our Catechisms call "Christ's humiliation". Jesus, Who is the God of life, has been brought to death itself and is now buried. His burial shows that His death was real. The real penalty for sin was truly and fully paid for His people. If you are united to Jesus Christ, His

Jesus was taken from oppression and taken from judgment. He was under various Jurisdictions; the Sanhedrin, the Gentile rulers, the Jewish rulers, and God Himself, and in each one He was pronounced guilty, though He had done no sin.God is having Isaiah, and us through him, look at the wickedness and depravity of the generation in which Jesus lived. All