Colossians 4:15-18 – Conclusion

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Colossians 4:15-18 – Conclusion

The last four verses of the letter contain some final greetings from Paul both to the church in Colossae and also to that in Laodicea. As was quite common in the time of the early church, believers in Laodicea met for worship in a private house. One of the believers, Nympha opened her house for the public meetings of the church. The home was, and should always be the centre of all true religious life – the use of a meeting house for worship is only an extension of the religious life of the family – and that life is seen in worship, fellowship, and outreach.

It seems as though it was Paul’s practice to treat the letters he sent to different congregations as circular letters. The Colossian letter was to be read in Laodicea and a letter sent to Laodicea (either now lost or possibly the letter to the Ephesians which was then sent to Laodicea) was to be read in Colossae. This is, of course the characteristic of all Scripture. Although written in particular circumstances to address specific difficulties all Scripture is of universal application.

The words addressed to Archippus, who was possibly the son of Philemon (Phil.2) and described as ‘our fellow soldier’ may have been to encourage him to be more diligent in the performance of his duties or it may have been an injunction to the congregation to give him support and co-operation so that he could fulfil his responsibilities.

In closing the letter Paul authenticates it by writing the last few words himself. He seeks prayer for the difficult circumstances in which he finds himself; not dwelling overmuch on the difficulties but just reminding the believers of his condition. He then commits the church to the Lord and to His grace – the best and most basic blessing of all.


  1. Think about the lessons learned in the study of Colossians and see how they have been applied in your life.

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for the preaching and hearing of God’s Word tomorrow.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.