Exodus 1:1-7: God’s Covenant Promises Continue

We are going to look at the book of Exodus using notes written by Rev. Philip Moffett.

Exodus chapter 1 verse 1 is a continuation of the Genesis account. The book of Genesis finished with Jacob, his sons, and their families having come down to Egypt. But this raises a serious question – “what has happened to the promises of God?” Will God keep his promise when it looks like all is lost?

What we find is that Exodus is more than just the continuation of the story of a family, but it is the continuation of God’s continued dealing with his Covenant people. God’s promises to Abraham are still being fulfilled. Exodus is a continuation of what God is doing in saving a people for himself.

Verses 1-7 show us that God is continuing to keep his promise of blessing his people.

Just over 100 years have passed since these 70 people came down to Egypt until the time when a new king rose over Egypt who did not know Joseph. But during these years we are told in verse 7 that the people of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly, they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong, so that the land was filled with them.

This was part of the covenant promise given to Abraham in Genesis 12 & 17, where God said he would make him into a great nation, he would have descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky.

In Genesis 35:11 God said to Jacob, “I am God Almighty; be fruitful and multiply. A nation and a company of nations shall come from you, and kings shall come from your own body”.

God continues to keep his covenant promises, even when his people are living in a foreign land. But this is also going to set up for us the great deliverance that God will bring to his people. God is going to set them free.

Wonderfully this also makes Exodus our history. This is the account of God’s people, his church. God has worked these events for us that we might better understand and know for sure how we have been saved through Jesus Christ. Exodus, through its language and pattern is going to prepare us for the greater deliverance that we have in Jesus Christ.


  1. In what ways has God kept his promises to you even while you have been in difficult situations?
  2. What should we be looking forward to most as we see God faithfully keep his promises?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks for the promises God has kept to you.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.