Ezra 1:1-4 – The Edict of Cyrus

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Ezra 1:1-4 – The Edict of Cyrus

Cyrus united the Medes and Persians into one kingdom around 560 B.C. Over the following decades, he expanded that kingdom into a mighty empire. By 539 B.C., he controlled territories on three sides of the Babylonian heartland. As the LORD had declared through His prophets (including Isaiah, Jeremiah and Daniel), Cyrus conquered Babylon. It is likely that godly men, such as Daniel, then pointed out to Cyrus that, not only had these events been predicted by the prophets of Israel, but that the LORD had mentioned Cyrus by name in Isaiah 44:28 about two-hundred years earlier.

Historians and Bible scholars debate whether Cyrus became a worshipper of the LORD or if he merely confused Him with Ahura Mazda, the god of heaven of the Medo-Persian religion of Zoroastrianism. Whether Cyrus had a right understanding of who the LORD is, he clearly acknowledged Him as the One who had given him his empire and recognized the charge from Scripture to see that the Jews could return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple. Furthermore, his edict not only officially ends the Babylonian Exile, but commands that funds be provided for the work of rebuilding the House of God.

Just as the LORD used Cyrus, He can and does use the leaders of nations today, whether they acknowledge and worship Him or not. While Christians should support the selection of godly leaders in the civil government, we need not fear that even the most ungodly ones are outside of God’s sovereign rule.


  1. Which prophet called Cyrus by name before he was born?
  2. Who made Cyrus a mighty king?
  3. Do we need to fear that things might be outside of God’s control?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for godly leaders to be raised up
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.