Galatians 3:10-12 – How This Applies to Us?

This isn’t some new teaching in these verses. ‘The righteous shall live by faith’ is quoted 3 times in the New Testament – but it’s originally from the Old Testament. So even in the Old Testament, believing Jews were those who lived by faith – not by works. Yes, v12 is still true: ‘The one who does them shall live by them’. It’s a quote from Leviticus. If we could do the works of the law, we could live by them. But we can’t do them, so we can’t live by them.

So how does this all apply to us today?

You need to realise just what you’re signing up for if you’re going to try to keep the law to get into Heaven. Because it won’t be enough to obey God in some things. It won’t be enough to obey him in most things. You will have to obey him in every detail. If he tells you not to do something, to do it just once will bring you under his condemnation. If he tells you to do something, and you don’t do it, even just once, you’ll be condemned.

If you’re living under the misconception that God will accept you because you’ve done your best, let God’s Word leave you in no doubt. Your best isn’t good enough. God demands perfect obedience.
But what if you ARE a believer in Jesus Christ? Remember that the law is not of faith. As a Christian you should want to please God. You should want to do what he says. But never fall into thinking that you’re more acceptable to God through what you do. The Bible is clear – you can please or displease God by your actions. But you can’t make yourself any more right with him. Never start thinking that you’re more deserving of salvation than others, because you obey God and they don’t.


  1. What does God command?
  2. Can we make ourselves right with God by what we do?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that our thinking would be clear about the law and faith.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.