Galatians 3:10-12 – Keeping the Law Can’t Get Us Into Heaven

If you were to ask someone on the street why they thought Christians hoped to get into Heaven, the answer would almost invariably be ‘because of what they do’. Because they’re decent people, because they live good lives, because they think they’re better than those around them. And so in the face of all that, v10 is absolutely shocking. Paul says – no, you’ll not be blessed because of your attempt to get right with God by keeping the law. Actually, it’s the complete opposite. You’ll be cursed.

Why isn’t obeying the law going to get us into Heaven? Because we can’t do it. We can’t perfectly keep the law. But the false teachers Paul is warning his readers about are encouraging the Galatians to obey the law in order to get to Heaven.

But Paul is writing to urge them to think about exactly what it is they’ll be getting themselves in for if they try and go down that road. Because if they want to get to Heaven by keeping the law, they’re going to have to perfectly keep every last part of it, every day of their lives. And that’s something they just won’t be able to do.

In v10 Paul quotes from Deuteronomy 27: ‘Cursed be everyone who does not abide by ALL THINGS written in the Book of the Law’. Not just some things. But all things. And the quote finishes ‘and do them’. It’s not just about NOT doing wrong things. It’s about actually doing everything the law demands. Often we can reduce God’s law to not doing things. But it also requires us to do things like love God with ALL our heart, soul, mind and strength. Can you do that? Perfectly? Every day of your life? If not, you’ll not get to Heaven by keeping the law.

Paul’s also trying to get across to them that you can’t mix faith and works. You have to pick either one or the other. That’s what he means when he says in v12: ‘the law is not of faith’. That doesn’t mean that the law is bad – but it means that you have to decide between either law or faith as a way of getting to Heaven. They’re like fire and water. They both have their place, but they can’t be used for the same purpose at the same time.


  1. Why isn’t obeying the law going to get us into heaven?
  2. What is God’s standard?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for the salvation of family and friends.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.