Galatians 4:18-20 – Remember The Goal

Why do people walk away when the Christian life is hard? Often it’s because they forget not just where they’ve come from, but where they’re meant to be going. They forget the goal, which Paul describes in v19. Being a Christian is not ultimately agreeing with a set of beliefs. It’s not ultimately living a certain way. It’s Christ being formed in you. That’s the end goal. The day we become a Christian is only the beginning of this process. It’s one which will last as long as we’re on this earth.

Paul describes himself as being in the anguish of childbirth until that happens. Childbirth isn’t easy. It’s a long, drawn-out process. Halfway through the mother might say: ‘I can’t do this’. But it’s worth it in the end! The process isn’t easy, but the result is glorious. And Christianity is the same. For sinners like us to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ isn’t easy. It involves a rewiring of our minds, our wills, out desires. It’s not easy – but it’s worth it. If you remember the goal and remember that nobody promised the process would be easy, you’ll not be so surprised when it’s tough. And you’ll see that it’s worth it to keep going.

Remembering the goal also helps when we’re tempted to take things personally. Remember, it’s not about you. It’s about Christ being formed in them. Or if you find yourself contemplating leaving because people are challenging your behaviour or saying hard things to you. Remember – they’re not trying to enforce their likes or dislikes on you. They have this bigger goal in mind, of seeing Christ formed in you. Or if you’re tempted to leave because your needs aren’t being met. Remember it’s not about your needs. It’s about Christ being formed in you!

Be hopeful even when peoples’ lives start going in a wrong direction. Paul had seen plenty about the Galatians that alarmed them. He writes them this strongly worded letter. And yet the reason that he writes it and doesn’t give up on them completely is because he thinks there’s still hope. He calls them brothers. So don’t despair. Don’t stand and point at the wandering sheep from the comfort and safety of the 99. But go after them urgently and yet graciously. And if by God’s grace you bring them back, there will be rejoicing among the angels in Heaven.


  1. What is our goal as Christians?
  2. How can we go after those going astray?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for the preaching and hearing of God’s Word tomorrow.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.