Isaiah 40:1-4 – A Second Introduction

We are going back to Isaiah to look at the second half of this book again using taken from the sermon series preached by Rev. Phil Pockras.

Much of the emphasis in the first 39 chapters had been leading up to the coming assault of Assyria. Now, in the second half of the book, God leads Isaiah to dwell on things far ahead for him. He is in many ways looking to our day, a day when Jesus Christ has come. Jesus is evident throughout all the book, but he’s even more clear in chapters 40 through 66. There are several themes to look for through these chapters. Two Israels are spoken of, two ages are looked at, as well as one great servant of Jehovah.

There is the Israel after the flesh and the true Israel of God; that Israel which is circumcised in the flesh, and that Israel which is circumcised in heart (Deuteronomy 10:16; 30:6); that which professes to be the people of God but is apostate, and the remnant. The false Israel in Isaiah’s time and in our day, adds to God’s Word. In Isaiah’s day, they added on to the prescribed worship of Jehovah as laid down in His Word. There are professing Christians today who think that doing merely outward things will somehow make them right with God. This is being an Israel after the flesh. In contrast, the second Israel is the true Israel of all ages, the true Israel of God. They are those who are the true spiritual seed of Abraham, circumcised not merely in the flesh, but circumcised in the heart by the grace of God. Outward conformity to rights and rules, outward conformity to religion never was sufficient in all ages of the people of God. They’ve always needed to look to the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There are two ages Isaiah speaks of. The first was the one in which Isaiah and all others were living in at this time. In fact, it continued until the coming of Jesus Christ. It was a time, in many ways, of bondage. It was a time of immaturity. It was a time of burdensome types and shadows. The second age that Isaiah sees here is when Christ has come. In Isaiah’s day, what they knew was this One was coming, who will be sent by God, and He will deliver us from all our sin by His sacrifice of Himself somehow or another. And the peoples of the earth shall be gathered into the people of God. Through all ages, this one true people of God comes to pass because of the person and work of the one great Servant.


  1. What are the two Israels?
  2. To whom did the true Israel of God always look?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that we would always be looking to Christ and not ourselves.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.