Isaiah 50:1-3 – The Need for the Saviour

The sad fact is that believers stray. When we are separated away from God, it is we who have left Him, not He, us. And that is primarily being spoken of here. Have we been cast off by God? Has he just said, “Well, I’m tired of my people?” No, it’s not that way at all. Is there a separation? Well, then, who moved? God says, “You have been very wicked in your sin, but I have not cut off covenant with you. You have betrayed the covenant in many ways, but I have been faithful to it and to you. So if you’re claiming that I’ve divorced you, if you’re claiming that I got rid of you, come up with the paper of divorce. I cannot, I will not, ever go back on my promise, never will go back on my covenant with my people, for it is secured in the blood of my Son.”

God owns all things. He does not have to sell off his children. He has not cast off his children. Therefore He can bring them back to Himself anytime He desires. So what has sent away the wife? What has taken captive the children? It is their sin that has them as prisoners. It’s sin that has led them all away, sin that has degraded them. It is because of the sin of the people of God, not God saying, “Well, I’m tired of you. I’m getting rid of you.”

Verse 2 is a picture of a man who has been away for a while. He comes home expecting that his wife and children will be ready for him. But there is nobody there. His wife has abandoned him. It is not that God has not abandoned His bride or His children. Rather, it’s His people who have abandoned Him. And sadly, this is what we do whenever we yield to sin.

Is God unable to do anything about this? He has power to save. His hand is not shortened. He can rescue His people from their sin. He can bring them to safety from the danger of their iniquity. He has sent One to redeem and save. In verse three, he reminds Judah and Jerusalem of His power in the sea and in the air. And as we read this, we ought to be thinking, oh, these are things that remind us of God’s deliverance of His people in Egypt. God was able to deliver His people from their bondage, their slavery to the Egyptians. Long ago, God had that power, and He has shown it again in our Saviour, many years after Isaiah wrote this.


  1. Who has done the leaving in these verses?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks that God is mighty to save.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.