Isaiah 50:10-11 – Life and Death

Verse 10 speaks to believers, those who have been trusting in and on the Saviour by God’s grace, but they have darkness. In God’s good providence, believers have difficult times. They have affliction with their neighbours or with others. They go through physical difficulties. Things can be very dark, sometimes downright scary. There can be worry and concern. You can be tempted to think: “Why is God doing this to me?” You may be enduring darkness spiritually. There are many to whom Satan comes, and he whispers in their ear: “How can God love you?” And you begin to doubt. There can be financial difficulties too. Why do these things happen? Well, sometimes believers sin. It’s sometimes the effect of those sins or the sins of the church, as a whole, that bring them low. Or there are times when we just don’t know why it happens, as in Job’s case. But we have the assurance in God’s Word that believers are never cast away altogether. What is the solution? Where is there help for the believer who is in dark times? It’s here in verse 10: “Let him trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God.” Trust in Him who has sent the Prophet to speak to you when all is darkness and silence. Trust in Him who has sent the Priest to atone for you, and who is even now interceding for you. Trust in the King to deliver you, even though you feel like you are in a prison with darkness that can be felt. Trust in Him when the dark times come. The Saviour is the light of the world. Trust in Him who does all things well.

There were many others in Judah and Jerusalem who professed to be the Lord’s, but who were trusting in other things. We sadly know many of those in the world. Then there are those who are perhaps more honest. They want nothing to do with the Church of Jesus Christ. Verse 11 is an entirely different proposition for these who think: “I can take care of things myself”. They seek to get a little light, what light they can from what they themselves can think up or do. They’ll shake the fist in God’s face. They’ll say, “I’ll show you”. And onward they try to go. The sad fact is that whatever they bring forth leads to oppression and further darkness and death. What light are you trusting in? Are you trusting in the light of your own strength, your own wisdom, your own efforts to get you through the darkness? Or do you see that there is no hope in anything, anyone but Jesus?


  1. What should believers do in dark times?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks that Christ never leaves His people.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.