Isaiah 51:1-6 – The Great Salvation To Come

The great salvation to come is the subject here. Those who have the light of the world, though they be in personal darkness, have here a word of great encouragement. By His grace, they seek the Lord, and this word is for them. It’s for you, people of God, you who have been enabled to see Jesus, the light of the world. Just like a statue can’t make itself magically appear, but a sculptor must carve it out, Abraham and Sarah were brought forth by God’s sovereign grace, and to them strong promises were made. God in His goodness called Abraham out of a pit of sin, and He gave them promises that continue to stand today. This same God is both able and willing to save his people. These are past mercies that are historical facts.

In verse three, we look at the future. The future, humanly speaking, for Judah and Jerusalem looks rather grim. The spiritual state of the people was bleak. But God says here, it will not be that way forever. Just as in the past, I rescued in mercy Abraham and Sarah from their idolatry, so I will comfort Zion. I will make her wilderness like Eden, and the desert like the garden of the Lord. Past mercies from Him who does not change guarantee mercies to come. It’s because of God’s faithfulness to His covenant, it’s because of His past action that the future is assured. Here is the guarantee of restoration, and a restoration that is a marvelous one. It guarantees a day where there is no sin, no darkness, no death. It is a restoration that shall come through the Lord Jesus Christ who will restore all things to their unfallen state and to the glory of His Father.

In verses four to six we see that the mercies will not be merely for Judah and Jerusalem, not merely for Israel, but for all the peoples of the lands. We see in verse four the law going to the nations. And as the law goes out to them, it is really the going forth of the gospel to them. They shall trust in Him who fulfilled the law for all who come to Him in faith. The heavens and earth shall pass away, but the promise here of mercy to the nations in Jesus Christ shall not pass away. Mercy shall go forth to the nations. Mercy shall go forth to the ends of the earth.


  1. What are the promises of these verses?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks that the gospel will go out to the nations.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.