Isaiah 51:11-16 – Fear Not!

We see here in verse twelve that it is Jehovah Himself Who comforts, and He does it emphatically. He’s wanting to make it very, very evident that this is His gracious and kind work, through the Redeemer Who is to come, of comforting His people. It is not somebody trying just to make the best of a bad situation. It is Jehovah Who comforts. And how does He do this? Well, first, He gives comfort by these very words of verse 11. God’s people don’t need come sneaking in. No, they come in in triumph and in joy. It was because of sin the people were exiled to Babylon. But the very fact that they are coming, singing with joy and with gladness, reflects the fact that they receive forgiveness and redemption by sovereign grace that leads them back to their land. But even more this is looking to the coming of the everlasting Zion. This is looking to coming to a place and a time where there is everlasting joy, sorrow and sighing fleeing away entirely. And by God’s grace, we are all closer to it than once we were. The bride of Christ is closer to the day of her wedding than she has been before.

Difficulty was ahead. We read about that in verse twelve. Yet they were told not to yield to fear or despair. We have the same adversaries, the same apparent dangers, and the same strong Deliverer. In His right time, He shall conquer and vindicate us. It’s all too easy to see forces of oppression before us. However, when we look at them, as God is saying there in verse 13, we forget Him Who has created all things. We must confess that we don’t understand why He allows things to happen the way they do in particular. But we do know that He allows nothing outside of His plan. What we do know and what He calls on us to remember is, first, that He’s entirely able to deliver His people. There’s no lack of strength, no lack of power, no lack of ability. He is able to deliver us from every oppression and every difficulty. He can deliver us from threats from the outside, from threats on the inside, and from threats within ourselves. Christ is not only able to deliver, but altogether willing. His hand is not forced. It is not done grudgingly. He delights to deliver from death.

What are the results of the rescue? God gives us His Word and makes it dwell in our hearts. We are covered and shielded from God’s wrath and curse. God is bringing about the new heavens and earth, establishing us in the heavenly Zion.


  1. What is the problem when we look at the enemies around us?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for the preaching and hearing of God’s Word tomorrow.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.