Isaiah 51:17-23 – The Cup of Jehovah’s Wrath

In verse 17 we have a call to the people to wake up. It is Jehovah who calls them to do so. They must rouse from sin and rise up from the slop of filth and pollution that sin always brings. They must rouse from the fainting of hopelessness and despondency. They knew that Jehovah had quite rightly been angered with them, and because of their sin had come a cup of wrath in God’s fatherly displeasure. Israel’s sin had provoked all this. It was their horrible wickedness. It is no wonder then, that she thinks there is no hope.

As Jerusalem rather struggles to her feet, God says here, in verses 17 through 20, that she has no earthly help. There is no one to help her, no one to care for her, no one to show her any love. They had no strength to walk, no strength even to stand these sinners in Zion. Double calamity has come upon them. None of this is bad luck. None of these things come from mindless chance. All has happened because God has designed it and has actively willed it. God wills difficulty for His people in order for a greater good for them, just like medicine. It has been His will to drive His people to see that sin is not that which brings happiness. No, sin brings misery. Only holiness brings happiness.

But now, in God’s kindness, He takes this cup of fatherly displeasure from them, and He makes it over to the wicked. We see this in verses 21 through 23. Though all sorts of things happen, God never ultimately casts off His people. He remains in covenant with them. In verse 22, He is careful to speak to them in His covenant name. God here shows that He defends His people. He is the advocate. Jehovah gets rid of His people’s afflictions in the proper time. And as we see here, those who seek the downfall of the church shall themselves fall by God’s plan. The ungodly seek the destruction, the everlasting destruction of God’s people, the destruction of Christ’s kingdom. But these who seek to destroy the godly are by King Jesus destroyed themselves, and the people of God are brought through safely.


  1. What does God promise in these verses?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks that God always does what is best.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.