Isaiah 52:7 – Beautiful Feet

The feet spoken of here are beautiful, not because of the way they look, but because of the function that they do. They get the messenger to those desperate for good news. Here we are seeing words to the people of Judah and Jerusalem, of good news coming after terrible, terrible discipline. It is the messenger of the covenant, the herald of God with good news. And what a blessing it is to have even today, these heralds of God with good news, who come sent by God with good news for sinners. The good news is that a Saviour has come. He has brought righteousness with His life. He has paid for His people by yielding His life. He has bought forgiveness by His death. He has brought immortality by His resurrection. He has made a full and free redemption of sinners. He invites any and all to come to Him, no matter the scale of their sin. This is good news for those who despaired of ever being right with God.

We think of peace as maybe an end to a war. No longer is God at war. God’s wrath is quenched. There is peace with God. He has peace with us, and we with Him. We now have peace of conscience. We have peace with one another. We have peace in our hearts, as we trust in His good providence toward us, in all our needs in this life.

This messenger brings good news of happiness, of salvation. He brings news of justification – our being declared righteous for Christ’s sake. There is adoption, where you who have been the slaves of the devil are now made the beloved adopted children of the Father in heaven. There’s sanctification, the promise and the work of God within you when you’re in Christ, making you more and more holy, setting you apart from sin, setting you apart to be special and consecrated to God. There’s the promise of being glorified and without sin at all after we die, and the promise of the resurrection. We could sum it up by saying good tidings of a full salvation, and a free salvation, and a restoration to things. In fact, far better than a restoration, for our end shall be better than it would have been had Adam never sinned.

How do we know that this will happen? It is God who is ruling over all things. And for you who are in Him, this is good news indeed, for nothing can happen to you, absolutely nothing, but will end up for your good. The enemies of God are not ultimately in charge, and their rebellion against God will fail because our God reigns.


  1. What is the good news?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks and pray for your minister.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.