Isaiah 52:8-10 – Great Joy

Now we look at the reaction of those who are excited to see the messenger. There have been many watchers on the wall, looking for the King, the Lord Jesus Christ – Abraham, Moses, David, and many others. There were others who, when Jesus actually came, saw Him not from afar, but they had been looking for Him – Mary, the wise men, Simeon, Anna, and others. Was it not joy for these watchmen on the wall? And all these agreed. Jesus Himself said in Luke 24:44 that the law, the prophets, and the psalms, all speak of Him. They all agree, and they are united in their testimony to the people of His coming and His working.

As the people of God hear the singing and rejoicing coming down from the walls above them, and as they hear the content of what the true watchmen are saying, it brings them delight as well. When sin is replaced with holiness, when guilt is removed and righteousness established, when death had been hanging over their heads, and now life, and that abundantly, is promised to them, how can they not joy, who were without God in the world, and now have a Father in heaven who has adopted them to be His very children? They see what they are and have been, and what God brings about in His grace. Jehovah alone can raise Jerusalem from this wasteland. He alone in grace does raise her from the dust, and the grime, and the destruction, and desolation. What joy this ought to bring us, children of God.

Verse 10 is a picture of God’s almighty power to deliver, and His willingness in the covenant of grace to do so. For His people who are without power, without strength, without ability; He who has all power, strength, and ability, for their sake, does it. All the earth sees it. All nations come under His rule. They may resist, but their resistance shall be broken. We must look to Him who shall yet deliver us. He has promised, and He shall accomplish it.


  1. Who were some of the people looking to the coming of Christ?
  2. Why should we rejoice?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks for all that Christ has done.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.