Isaiah 53:10 – Results of Christ’s Sacrifice

One translation of the start of verse 10 is that it pleased the Father to bruise the Son. It pleased the Son to be bruised, as well. His delight was to do His Father’s will. This is not some enjoyment of cruelty. Rather the Father delighted in being able justly to extend mercy to sinners. All happened according to God’s will. He willingly put His Son to grief that we might have everlasting joy. The Son grievously endured the consequence of our sin and its guilt and received the curse we should because He loved us so much that He wanted us blessed. Jehovah made the servant’s soul an offering for sin. His blood was shed to bring forgiveness and everlasting life, life by His once and for all sacrifice unto death at the cross.

Jesus receives a reward, a reward for His faithfulness unto death. Jesus persevered because He knew that on the other side of the cross, on the other side of the grave, was the resurrection and his ascension, and His coming again in power and glory. The second part of this verse is a direct prediction of His rising from the grave. He was raised, and on that very day, He saw His seed, His offspring. He never had children after the flesh, but He has many, many children who are born anew in and through Him. He saw Mary Magdalene, He saw His disciples that very day. He saw His offspring. And now from heaven, He sees them. He sees you.

He prolongs His days – there is no more dying for Jesus. There is no more ultimate dying for those resurrected in Him, and He ever lives to make intercession for them. He Who lives forever, Whose days are prolonged, is actively continuing to work for you as your Prophet, speaking to you through the Holy Spirit, through His Word and through the sacraments. He continues to hear you and to make His intercession for you. He does that as your great High Priest. He continues to send the Holy Spirit to apply that which He has done on the cross to save sinners. He continues as King. He rules over all things.

The will of the LORD shall prosper in His hand. What is the will of the LORD? It is to glorify Himself, to delight in His own works, to save sinners. All is put into the hand of Jesus. He rules over all, and all prospers, not fails, in His hand. Christian, take heart! You are part of the reward of Jesus Christ, and you are His instrument in His hand, this hand that manages to glorify His Father and to do His people good.


  1. What things are part of Jesus’ reward?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks that God always does what is best.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.