Isaiah 53:11- Righteousness From Another

The word “anguish” in this verse is sometimes translated “labour” or “travail”. It means desperately hard work. That is what Jesus went through in all His life: pathetic birth circumstances, suffering all His life from the effects of the Fall around Him, nearly homeless, heartbroken and dismayed by sin and its effects around Him, misunderstood, fully understood and rejected, lonely, hated, despised, cursed by man and God, and killed. All the grievous humiliation brings benefit to Him as well as us. Christ’s ultimate goal was His Father’s glory, and His ultimate motivation for all His work has been love to His Father. Under that, though, is His love to His people, and His delight in saving and having them evermore. Thus, He is satisfied! He is happy with the results of His obedience unto death, even the death of the cross (Philippians 2:8). Willingly did the Father put the Son to grief that we might have everlasting joy. He grievously endured the consequence of our sin and its guilt and received the curse we should, that we’d be blessed. He is the Great High Priest, and He was, as well, the One to Whom the trespass offerings, and the Atonement, and all the other sacrifices and offerings pointed to. Even as the lives of bulls, of sheep, of goats, of pigeons were literally cut short, as their existence was snuffed out, and as their blood flowed on and on for centuries, so our Saviour was broken and His blood shed to sprinkle many nations and bring forgiveness and everlasting life by His once and for all sacrifice on the cross.

The word “knowledge” in this verse means knowledge about Jesus. Knowing Jesus, and knowing and believing the salvation He brings. This is speaking of justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. The Shorter Catechism says: “Justification is an act of God’s free grace, wherein He pardoneth all our sins, and accepteth us as righteous in His sight, only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, and received by faith alone.” (WSC #33)

As the perfect Man, Jesus is justly able to take man’s penalty. He is the second Adam, the Covenant Federal Head of His people (Romans 5:12-19). As we fell in Adam’s fall, so we stand in the second Adam’s obedience. He is our Champion! At the same time, He is God with us, Emmanuel. Thus He is strong to bear our sin and its guilt and curse, which no mere man could do. That which we earned by our sin, which would crush us and sink us into Hell, is that which He takes on Himself for our sake. He carries it so we don’t!


  1. How are we saved from sin?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks that we are justified by what Christ has done.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.