Isaiah 53:12- Great Reward

We have been looking at Jesus being in the place of sinners. Because of that His Father in heaven will divide him a portion with the many, and He shall divide the spoil with the strong. The Hebrew might be a little better translated – ‘I will divide up the great for His portion’. His portion will be taken from the great. No matter how grand they might be, no matter how they might be esteemed and obeyed, they shall have to yield to Him. For he shall be King of these kings. God’s servant will have the spoil of the strong. No matter their power, no matter their might, no matter their fervor, their technological advantages, or whatever, Jesus shall conquer them or convert them, and Jesus shall reign. He is the King, and nothing can stop Him. Things may seem to be in a bad way. How worse can it be than when Jesus Himself is there, accursed on a cross, abandoned by all, and crying out a few words? It seemed that Satan had triumphed. But was that the case? No, certainly not! Jesus Christ is God’s mediatorial King, and Jesus shall bring all things under His feet. This gives us confidence, this gives us comfort in admittedly difficult days, and it spurs us to push when God’s Spirit is evidently working.

Why does Jesus get this reward? He poured out his life unto death. This is speaking of His blood being shed there at the cross. Jesus is not a sinner, but for our sake, He puts on our sin. He has none of His own. He is counted as being the sinner in the place of sinners. He bore the sin of many. He carried it for them. Every sinner weighed down, crushed by sin may call to Jesus to rescue him. This is not something that’s only for a few people. He bore the sin of many. It doesn’t say He started to bear it. It’s done. There’s no ongoing work in you that brings along your salvation. It’s all accomplished at the cross.

Jesus prays for sinners – He makes intercession. Isn’t it wonderful when you are in difficult circumstances to know that God’s people are praying for you? How much more wonderful to know that Jesus is interceding for you!


  1. What promise is in this verse?
  2. What does it mean that Jesus is interceding for us?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks that Christ is praying for you.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.