Isaiah 53:8 – Cut Off

Jesus was taken from oppression and taken from judgment. He was under various Jurisdictions; the Sanhedrin, the Gentile rulers, the Jewish rulers, and God Himself, and in each one He was pronounced guilty, though He had done no sin.

God is having Isaiah, and us through him, look at the wickedness and depravity of the generation in which Jesus lived. All of it came to a head, we might say, in the rejection of the Messiah. He was attested to them by signs, miracles, and wonders, and they took the holy one of Israel and put Him to death (Acts 2:22-24).

The judgment on Christ, foreseen by Isaiah, was severe. He was cut off. He was severely punished in the body and far worse within His soul. What man could do to Him was as nothing compared to what He endured from the wrath of His Father in heaven. As we read accounts of the crucifixion, as we see His agony in Gethsemane, anticipating it, and the agony He bore on the cross, we see what sin really deserves, and we see how nasty it is. Do you imagine that the Father whose love for His son is infinite would subject Him to this were there another way?

Jesus went to the cross because of transgression. The payment for sin demanded it. He had to go to the cross if He were going to save His people from their sin. He went in the place of the transgressors. Jesus went to die in the place of sinners who deserved to die. He did not deserve it, for He never sinned. Jesus died so that those who believe on Him might live. He did it in the place of and as the stand-in for sinners. The full penalty for sin was paid by Him, for His people. He paid the entire price of redemption. He redeemed them utterly. There would be, there is, there will be nothing to be added by them. Do you long to have someone who will take your place? Do you see that you yourself really deserve death? You are a transgressor, but Jesus came to save transgressors. Do you want to be forgiven and have a living, and loving, and eternal relationship with a Father in heaven? Then cry out to Jesus in prayer for forgiveness and salvation.


  1. What does the cross show us about sin?
  2. Why did Jesus die on the cross?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for the salvation of family and friends.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.