Isaiah 53:9 – At His Death

Here we come to the deepest part of what our Catechisms call “Christ’s humiliation”. Jesus, Who is the God of life, has been brought to death itself and is now buried. His burial shows that His death was real. The real penalty for sin was truly and fully paid for His people. If you are united to Jesus Christ, His death for sin is your death to sin. No longer can you be judged or condemned by the law. Jesus has paid that penalty altogether, so that the grave can no longer hold Him.

These two members of the Sanhedrin, Joseph and Nicodemus, asked for, took, prepared, and buried Jesus’ body in Joseph’s own expensive cave. God honoured His Son there at the grave. It was the ending of the humiliation. It was the preparation for the exaltation of Jesus Christ. He then went to resurrection, to ascension, to being seated at the right hand of the Father, continuing His work as prophet, priest, and king for His people. One last step of his exaltation remains. And that is when He returns, literally, physically, visibly, and gloriously to raise all His people from the dead bringing us all to our eternal state.

The second part of this verse shows us that there was nothing for which to judge Jesus. The Sanhedrin couldn’t pin any charge on Him. They tried. They even got false witnesses, but it was evident that they were lying. The government magistrates said there was no sin in him. He had done no violence. And there was no deceit in his mouth. There was nothing he had said. There was nothing that an one could ever attack. If this be the case, why did He have to die? He was judged guilty that you and I might receive innocence. He endured the curse that we might receive blessing. He went through wrath that we might have words of welcome. He was abandoned by His Father in heaven that we might be adopted as children of our Father in heaven, and He died His death, that we might receive life evermore. He did this in the place of sinners. If you are in Jesus Christ, this burial is your assurance that God’s wrath that you deserve is buried too. Now that Jesus is raised from the dead, you are raised. And as He lives forevermore, He gives you eternal life, the same as His.


  1. How was Jesus honoured at His death?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for the preaching and hearing of God’s Word tomorrow.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.