Isaiah 54:13-17 – Safe in Her Husband’s Law

We who are the bride of Christ have an internal safety and protection from our maker and husband. We are safe, of course, from the enemies on the outside. Not only is it the case that they cannot penetrate our jewel bespangled walls, but it is their walls that shall fall. It is their gate which cannot stand before the church of Christ, before the church whom Christ says He is building. We are safe on the inside as well! How can we say we’re safe on the inside? The true church of Jesus Christ will never be subverted. Traitors may arise in the midst, but the real people of God have always been and shall always be preserved. All the true children of the church of Jesus Christ, as we read here in verse 13, shall be taught by Jehovah. They have the fullness of His word here in the Scripture. They have new hearts inhabited by the Holy Spirit, and they are able to receive His Word. As the church, the bride of Jesus, trusts in her maker and husband, she shall be free from the ultimate terror of destruction, from enemies on the outside, or from traitors and apostates on the inside. Ultimately she learns more and better, to trust in her Lord, who has done so and always shall continue to deliver her from her fears and doubts.

The bride of Christ is safe from oppressors, as we see in verses 15 through 17. If we are in Jesus Christ, there are afflictions, there are trials, there are troubles that come upon us simply because we are believers (Psalm 34:19). They come upon the church as well. What God is saying here, though, is that although these things may happen, and although enemies may band together, all their strength, everything they attempt to do, will come to nothing. God knows all things, and God brings about all things. This blacksmith who is making weapons for the enemies, he’s in God’s control, too. If he’s making a sword for the enemies of the bride of Jesus Christ, then God will break that sword. Nothing made against the people of God shall ultimately prosper. God will bring about in His people not destruction, but the ability to trust Him more. He will bring about more holiness in them, more beauty. The bride of Jesus Christ, of which you are a part, is safe in her covenant husband. She is safe in the righteousness she has been given because of what He has done, as we see in that last clause, that righteousness that He earned by His life, His perfect life, His atoning death, and His victorious resurrection.


  1. How do we know that we are safe in Christ?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks for the safety we have in Christ.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.