Isaiah 54:5-8 – The Glorious Husband

Who is it that guarantees a seed to the Church? Who is it that calms her fears and assures her of love and spiritual prosperity? It is the Servant of the previous chapter, the One Whose own seed He has delivered, the One Who is the Husband to His bride. He is her mighty Maker, the One who brought her into being by His life, death, and resurrection. She was in His eye in eternity, in His plan at the beginning, brought to birth in the midst of the shame of the Fall, constituted as a people at Sinai, brought to maturity at Pentecost, and built, to this day, as promised by Jesus in Matthew 16:18. She awaits, of course, her perfection and wedding feast when she marries the Lamb (Revelation 19:9). He is her husband, Who loves her in covenant love, to Whom she must give reverence and serve in gladness. He is Jehovah, the One Who is strong to save, Who is able to do all for her. He, the God-man, is her Kinsman-Redeemer, the One Who rescues her from bondage to sin and death by His own life, death, and resurrection. He is the Holy One of Israel, Who is willing to save in the Covenant of Grace, headed, secured, and constituted by His Mediatorial Person and finished redeeming work. He is the One Who rules over all nations for her sake, and who brings the nations under His rule, to glorify His Father and to bless the nations in His Bride.

This bride has been through difficulty, brought about by her own sin. From her He separates Himself for a time, yet never is there a divorce. His face was turned, but never His back. This could be looking to the Babylonian exile, or to the end of prophecy for 400 years, but it speaks to God’s discipline of His true people. He calls the separation short, which it is compared to what she deserved, but His love is eternal and stronger than death (Song of Solomon 8:6-7). In contrast, then, to the short wrath, He gives abundant mercy, everlasting love, and abundant grace (Romans 5:20- 21). All this is promised in terms of the Covenant of Grace. Sin is forgiven, and new life, and union and communion with Him, is poured out.

Oh, Church of Christ, saddened by sin, discouraged and doubtful, lift up your head, for your Maker and Husband, your Redeemer loves and comforts you! And, sad sinner, to you comes the invitation to look to this One Who is full of mercy and pardon, Who promises life and love if you come to Him. Cry out with the heart to Him to save you from your sin, and you shall find it so, you shall find yourself part of His Beloved!


  1. Why can we as the Church be encouraged by these verses?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks that Christ is our Maker and Husband.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.