Isaiah 54:9-12 – Precious Jewels

Can we believe these verses? Is it too good to be true? Certainly not! God’s Word is as secure as His promise to Noah. We’ve not had a Flood like that since, have we? His Word, His promise is utterly trustworthy. What is the substance of the promise in verses 9-10? God will never, never forsake her whom He loves, even in the midst of dark and difficult days. There may be days such as when mountains depart and hills remove. All that seems permanent may fail, and the world be terrorised. In all things, our Jesus will abide, will protect His Church, will build His Church, will bring His people safely home in His mercy and in peace secured by His broken body and shed blood.

There are times in which the Church must pass through storm. Remember Jesus’ words at the end of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7. Remember Jesus’ words on the night of His betrayal in John 16:33. So it is, here in verses 11-12, that the Church is called storm-tossed, and so she has been. In Isaiah’s day there had been the Assyrians, in a couple hundred years there would be the Babylonians, there would be the Greeks, and then the Romans and apostate Jews who would attempt to end the true Israel of God. However, in the midst of the moving mountains and hills, Jehovah, by His Servant, builds His Church (Matthew 16:18). We see the New Testament temple walls built, or the walls of the New Jerusalem, and not in any common manner! We see the walls made of precious and shining jewels, based upon a glittering blue foundation. That foundation is the prophets and apostles, with Jesus as the head cornerstone (Psalm 118:22; Ephesians 2:20). The building stones are us (Ephesians 2:19-22; 1 Peter 2:4-6). We are precious jewels before Him (Malachi 3:16-18). We are as the precious jewels carried in the High Priest’s vestments, representing all Israel in the Most Holy, carried there by the High Priest, even as we are carried into God’s glorious presence by our High Priest, Christ. We don’t know the exact translation for all these jewels, but their variety suggests the richness of God’s grace, and the fact that we all come from different nations, families, tribes, and peoples, making up one beautiful and glorious Bride.


  1. Who are the building stones?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for the preaching and hearing of God’s Word tomorrow.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.