Isaiah 55:3-5 – Hear and Live

In verse 2, we have the command and plea to listen. Here in verse 3 God makes it more plain. Christ is called the Word in John 1:1. He has come as the revelation of God in the flesh. He is God’s beloved Son – hear Him! (Matthew 17:5) He has good news of forgiveness, of resurrection, of new and eternal life. Hear Him, hear His apostles, hear as they preach Christ and Him crucified, hear as they command and plead for you to come to Him. He receives the spiritually dead and makes them live! To you are the sure mercies promised to David in 2 Samuel 7:12-16, mercies bought by the life, death, and resurrection of the One promised to David, in Whom all the promises are yes and amen.

This One, this Servant, this Messiah, is God’s leader for the people. He goes before them into death, that they may live. He goes before them in His resurrection, and He goes to prepare a place for them. He, as their King and Priest, commands, marshals, and uses them for their, for your, good and blessing, for His kind and loving purposes, and for His Father’s delight and glory. And here is the promise of blessing, not destruction, for the nations. They shall not reluctantly or shyly come to Him, but to Him they shall run. This is Jehovah’s will, and He shall bring it about.


  1. Who is the One to whom we should listen?
  2. How is Christ a leader?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for the salvation of family and friends.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.