Isaiah 59:15-16 – The LORD Saw

So far, we have seen God’s accusation and Judah’s conviction and confession. What now? God tells us that He sees. He sees what the wicked do. He sees what His saints must endure. Nothing escapes Him. And He forgets nothing. Even as Jesus said in Matthew 25, in the parable of the sheep and the goats, what is done to His brethren is done to Him. This is why Jehovah is displeased. He loves His children by adoption, blood-bought by His only begotten Son. He is not about to stand by idly.

How shall this injustice be attended to? It is sin that brings about injustice, guilt, pollution, and darkness. It is sin that makes men to be such beasts. There is no one on earth who can battle against sin. We are all conceived in it, we all have the guilt of it, and we all transgress by thought, word, and deed. No one can free himself, let alone be a deliverer for the people.

God Himself must provide a Deliverer, a Rescuer, a Saviour, an Intercessor. This He would do, this He has done, as we see so directly and clearly expressed in John 3:16. By His sovereign and powerful grace, He sends His only Son to live in sinners’ place, to die in sinners’ place, to be raised for sinners’ life, and to ascend ever to intercede for us (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25). His righteousness sustained Him, as it constituted Him the great High Priest able to offer the perfect and all-sufficient sacrifice for sin. He persevered for His Father’s glory and for the sake of His beloved people. Cry out to Him to save you, and look to Him to deliver, rescue, save, and intercede for you and your brothers and sisters in Him.


  1. What does God see?
    2 Whom does God provide to deal with sin?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks for our great Saviour.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.