Luke 10:17-20 – Pride

Christians are so easily puffed up with success. These men that return to Jesus are very pleased with themselves. Christ sees their hearts and reminds them that Satan fell from heaven because of his pride. This warning is for all of us. We all want to see Satan’s kingdom destroyed and souls saved. But we must remember that the time of success is a time of danger to our soul. Few men are like Samson, and can kill a lion without telling anyone (Judges 14:6). Most of Christ’s workers probably have as much success as their souls can bear. We should pray for humility – especially in time of peace and success. When everything around us seems to be going well, all our plans are working out, our family is well and healthy, and our work is smooth and easy – when everything in our life is like a morning without clouds – that is the time our souls are in danger. That is the time we must be doubly watchful. That is the time the devil sows seeds of evil. There are few Christians who can carry a full cup with a steady hand. There are few whose souls prosper in their days of uninterrupted success.

Christ also teaches that gifts are inferior to grace. Gifts, such as intelligence, good memory, eloquence, ability to debate and reason, are often valued too much both by those who have them and those who don’t. Men forget that gifts without grace can save no one’s soul. Grace is an everlasting inheritance. He that has gifts without grace is dead in sins, however splendid his gifts may be. But he that has grace without gifts is alive to God, however uneducated and ignorant he may appear to man.

1. What did Jesus warn these men about?
2. When do we need to be especially on guard?
3. How can we root pride out of our lives?

Prayer Points
1. Pray for humility.
2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
3. Pray for family matters.