Luke 10:21-24 – Our Great God
Three times we are told in the Gospels that our Lord Jesus Christ weeps. Only once are we told that He rejoices. What is the cause of our Lord’s joy? The conversion of souls. Christ sees much in this world to make Him sad, but when He sees men and women receiving salvation He is glad.
God is sovereign in saving sinners. Why some around us are converted and others remain dead in sins, we cannot possibly explain. We only know that it is so. But God’s sovereignty does not destroy man’s responsibility. We know that the Judge of all the earth will do what is right, and if we reject Him our blood is on our own heads.
The wisdom of this world often makes people proud, and increases their natural hatred of Christ’s Gospel. The man who has no pride or knowledge, or ideas that he is good, to fall back on, has often the fewest difficulties to get over in coming to the knowledge of the truth. We must beware of self-righteousness. To see that we are bad is the first step towards being really good. To feel that we are ignorant is the first beginning of all saving knowledge.
These words of Christ reveal Him as Head over all things, and King of kings. He is one distinct from the Father, and yet entirely one with Him. He is the Mighty Revealer of the Father to the sons of men, as the God who pardons iniquity, and loves sinners for His Son’s sake.
1. Why did Jesus rejoice?
2. What kind of people often have an easier time coming to Christ? Why?
3. Why are we more blessed today than Abraham or David? What do we have that they didn’t?
Prayer Points
1. Give thanks for God’s Word.
2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
3. Pray for family matters.