Luke 10:25-28 – Back to the Scriptures

The motive of this man questioning Christ is wrong, but his question is of the greatest importance. We ought to put this question to ourselves and never rest till we find an answer. Very few people, though, want to think about their souls. They hate the subject. It makes them uncomfortable. For Christians the way of salvation should fill the first place in their minds.

Christ refers the lawyer at once to the Scriptures as the only rule of faith and practice. He sends his questioner to the writings of the Old Testament. The Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible should be the rule of our faith and life. With the Bible we travel upon the king’s highway. The road may sometimes seem narrow, and our faith may be sorely tried, but we will not make mistakes. Without the Bible we enter on a pathless wilderness. There is no telling what we may be led to believe or do.

The lawyer answers well. He understands what God requires of Him, but in his heart he does not believe. We may know and understand what it means to believe, but we may not believe – our souls may be in the gravest danger. Head knowledge cannot save us.

Do we love God with all our heart, and soul, and strength, and mind? Do we love our neighbour as ourselves? Where is the person that could honestly say, “I do?” The best of us come far short of perfection. Passages like this, should teach us our need of Christ’s blood and righteousness. To Him we must go, if we will stand with boldness before God. From Him we must look for grace, that the love of God and man may become the ruling principles of our lives.

1. What is the lawyer’s motive in questioning Christ?
2. Where does Jesus refer him to?
3. How can we inherit eternal life?

Prayer Points
1. Pray for the salvation of your family and friends.
2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
3. Pray for family matters.