Luke 10:29-37 – Who is my Neighbour?

True brotherly love is not a common thing. Both the priest and the Levite are too selfish to offer help to the wounded man. They probably think that they know nothing about this man, that it is probably his own fault that he has got into trouble, that they have no time to stop and help him, and that they have enough to do without bothering about strangers. Selfishness is the leading characteristic of the majority of mankind. That self-sacrificing kindness of heart that cares not what trouble they go to, so long as they can help, is rarely found.

A Christian should be ready to show kindness and brotherly love to everyone that is in need. Our kindness must not merely extend to our families, friends, and relations. We must love all men, and be kind to all, whenever occasion requires. We must be careful not to be too strict in scrutinising the past lives of those who need our help. Are they in real trouble? Do they really want help? Then, we must be ready to help them. We should see the whole world as our parish, and the whole race of mankind as our neighbours. We should work to be the friend of everyone who is oppressed, or neglected, or afflicted, or sick, or in prison, or poor, or an orphan, or starving, or dying. We should use wisdom and common sense, but to be friendly to all men in this way, is to show them Christ.

The Samaritan takes trouble to give this man help. He acts as well as feels. He spares no pains or expense in befriending him. The kindness of a Christian toward others should not be in word and tongue only, but in action. His love should be a practical love, a love which leads to self-sacrifice and self-denial, both in time, money, and trouble.

1. Why did the priest and Levite pass by?
2. Who should we befriend?
3. Who can you help? How can you help them?

Prayer Points
1. Pray for the preaching and hearing of God’s Word tomorrow.
2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
3. Pray for family matters.