Luke 11:14-20 – Satan’s work

Christ has just been teaching His disciples about the power and importance of prayer. Now He delivers a man from a devil. The same Saviour who encourages us to pray, is the Saviour who destroys Satan’s power over us, and restores our tongues to their proper use.

There are many different ways in which Satan hurts man. He does not always work in the same way, but he always has the same desire – he loves to harm men and women. We must be careful not to think that because Satan’s work is not as obvious today as it was in Jesus’ time, that the devil is not as active. There are still many men and women today who keep silent when they should speak because of the devil’s work. They never speak to God, they never speak of God to others, they have no time for God. Let us watch and pray that we are not silent when we should speak. Let us be constantly speaking to God in prayer and constantly praising God to others.

The people around Jesus could not deny the miracle, but their hearts are so stubbornly opposed to Christ that they refuse to admit that He has the power of God. They can’t argue against what has happened, so they resort to trying to discredit Christ and to slander His reputation. There will always be men who are determined to see nothing good in Christ or His people and to believe all kinds of evil about them. They throw away common sense, refuse to listen to evidence or arguments, and are convinced that whatever a Christian does must be wrong, and whatever He says must be false.

1. What does Satan want to do to men and women?
2. How can you speak more about Christ?
3. Why are the people so opposed to believing Christ?

Prayer Points
1. Pray for Christians being persecuted in other countries.
2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
3. Pray for family matters.