Luke 11:27-32 – Judgement

The privileges of those who hear and obey God’s Word are great. They are considered by Christ as His close relatives, closer than any connected to Him by flesh and blood. All too often we think that if we had lived when Christ walked the earth, we would be a better Christian than we are now. But the ability for a close personal relationship with Christ is within our reach, if we only believe. No man can be nearer and dearer to Jesus than the man who simply believes.

The Jews who surround Jesus are full of unbelief. They pretend to want more evidence before they believe, though they already have more evidence and a greater understanding of God’s plan of salvation than thousands who have come before them and yet believed in a Saviour. It should not surprise us to see unbelief abounding both in the church and in the world. God’s mercy and grace in saving anyone should amaze us, and our hearts should be full of thanksgiving that He has loved us and delivered us when thousands around us continue on in their sin.

Our Lord Jesus Christ teaches of a coming day both of resurrection and of judgement. He reminds us that this world is not all, and the life we live on earth is not the only life of which we should be thinking. One day all mankind will stand before the judgement seat of God. Those who seem to us to have been dead and forgotten will rise again and stand before God. Many men and women are scared to think of a final judgement, but the Christian, who knows his sins have been forgiven, can rejoice at the thought of spending eternity with his Lord.

1. How can we have a close relationship with Christ?
2. Why should unbelief not surprise us?
3. How can we face the judgement of God?

Prayer Points
1. Pray for the preaching and hearing of God’s Word tomorrow.
2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
3. Pray for family matters.