Luke 1:34-38 – Incarnation

The incarnation – God becoming man, conceived in the womb of a virgin, and born without sin – is a miracle and a mystery. We can’t explain how it happened, and we shouldn’t try to speculate. It is enough to know and believe that it happened. The angel doesn’t explain to Mary in detail how this miracle will happen, and if Mary doesn’t need to know, why do we?

We are told that this miracle of incarnation happens through the power of the Holy Spirit. We can often neglect or ignore this third person of the Trinity, but we need to remember the vital role He plays in our salvation. He is the one who enabled Jesus to do what He has to do (Hebrews 9:14; 1 Peter 3:18); He is the one who comes to the disciples, teaching them what they need to know; He is the one who has changed your heart of stone to a heart of flesh; and He is the one who enables you to die to sin and live for Christ. We should praise and thank Him with all our hearts.

Gabriel lays down an incredibly important principle – “Nothing is impossible with God.” If we could only fully grasp this in our hearts and minds, how changed our lives would be. There is no sin too bad to be forgiven. No heart too hard or wicked to be changed. No work too difficult for a believer to do. No trial too hard to endure. No promise too great to be answered. With us, there is much that is impossible when done in our own strength. But done in God’s strength, nothing is impossible.

Mary’s knows that along with this great honour will come great dishonour in the world’s eyes. Her situation will be a scandal, her closest friendships could be destroyed, in earthly terms her life could be ruined. But she makes no complaint, only humbly submits to her Lord and Saviour.

1. What is the incarnation?
2. What principle should we remember in our lives?
3. What things seem impossible to you today?

Prayer Points
1. Pray for the preaching and hearing of God’s Word tomorrow.
2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
3. Pray for family matters.