Luke 1:46-56 – A Song of Faith

Mary’s song of praise to God teaches us several things about our own prayers to God. First of all, Mary’s song is very similar both to Hannah’s in 1 Samuel 2:2 and the Psalms. Mary is so familiar with Scripture that her praise is full of phrases from God’s Word. We should work to become more and more familiar with the Bible, to make it an increasing part of our life, so that God’s Word, hidden in our hearts through much reading, spills out into what we say and think.

Mary’s song is also full of humility. Here is a woman who recognises her sin and her need for a Saviour. She sees herself as she really is. Every Christian should be full of humility. We should realise who we really are, sinners saved by the grace of God. We should increase in the knowledge of how sinful we are and how good God is to us.

The humility of Mary leads on to her attitude of thankfulness. When she realises what a sinner she is, she is so thankful to God for what He has done. This should be true with us as well. The more we understand what God has done for us, the more thankful we should be, not just for His grace in saving us, but for all the blessings He gives us each day.

Mary has an understanding of the way God deals with His people. She knows her Bible well. She remembers all the old stories of God’s mercy and power. She has faith that God does not change and this mercy and power are still there.

Finally, Mary has a great faith in the promises of God. She believes based on her knowledge of God’s Word, that God will do what He says He will. Do we, who have even more evidence of God keeping His word, have this same unshakable faith in our Lord’s promises?

1. Why does Mary’s song sound like other Bible passages?
2. Why does Mary need a Saviour?
3. What are some of God’s promises to us today?

Prayer Points
1. Give thanks that God keeps His promises.
2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
3. Pray for family matters.