Luke 6:27-38 – Love
These verses are all about Christian love. Our love for others is to be like Christ’s toward sinners – unselfish and uninfluenced by any hope of return, self-sacrificing and self-denying. We are to give up our rights and put up with wrong treatment in order to avoid quarrels. Like Christ, we are to be long-suffering, meek, and humble.
Jesus knows that there will be times when our duty to others will not be clear. Selfishness and emotion will cloud our judgement. At those times, when we aren’t sure what to do, we are to treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves. To do to others as they do to us, and return evil for evil is the practice of unbelievers. But Christians are to be different. If Christ had dealt with the world as the world dealt with Him, we would all be on our way to Hell.
Christians are to have a higher standard of love to others than unbelievers. Even unbelievers are nice to those who are nice to them. What makes the Christian different is that he is to love others regardless of how they treat him or what they will do in return.
Christians are to follow the example of their Father in Heaven in doing good. God is merciful and generous to those who never thank Him. He does not get tired of doing good, and neither should we. Just like God, we must continue to show kindness whether we are thanked or not.
Finally, Christ assures His disciples that those who practice this unselfish and patient love will never be a loser in the long run. At times it may seem that we get nothing for doing good to others, but Christ assures us that we will be blessed and rewarded for our faithful love of others.
1. What is Christian love to be like?
2. How should we treat others when we are unsure how to treat them?
3. What will happen to those who practice Christian love?
Prayer Points
1. Pray that we would be more loving to others.
2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
3. Pray for family matters.