Luke 6:46-49 – Two Foundations
Many people claim to believe in God, to be a follower of Jesus Christ, but they do not do what He commands. This evil has always existed in the Church, and it is responsible for turning many away from the truth. Men and women see the church full of hypocrites, those who say one thing and do another, and they turn away from it.
Those who hear what Christ says and obeys Him are compared to a man building a house on a firm foundation. This man’s faith costs him much. A house built on a rock requires hard work and self-denial. Pride and selfishness must be put aside and the work of Christ put first. But like the house built on a rock, this faith will stand up to violent storms of trouble and persecution. A man that practices what he preaches is a building that will not fall.
In contrast to this there is the man who hears Christ’s sayings but does not obey them. His faith may look well for a time. It may be hard to see a difference between him and a true Christian. They may both go to the same church and claim to believe the same things. But when the trials and persecution come, this man falls apart.
What is the foundation on which you are building? Is it rock or sand? You may enjoy going to church, you may know well what the Bible teaches, you may agree with it, but what are you doing? Do you not only hear what the Bible teaches, do you obey it? Have you put your faith in Christ? Do you live your life in obedience and love of Him? The time will come when your foundations will be revealed, and it will be obvious whether they are rock or sand.
1. How can we have a solid foundation?
2. What happens to a foundation of sand?
Prayer Points
1. Pray for the preaching and hearing of God’s Word tomorrow.
2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
3. Pray for family matters.