Mark 15:16-20 – Humiliation

Jesus’ death is to be many things. It is bloody because blood is a symbol of life, because without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin, and this is the sacrifice that is given to pay for our souls. It is painful – the worst death both physically and spiritually as God forsook Him. Jesus’ death is the shameful death of slaves and evil criminals. It is also the cursed death of one under God’s wrath and displeasure.

We see the humiliation of Christ in the soldiers of Pilate mocking Him. These soldiers probably hate Jews, and they are loyal only to Caesar. Here is a man put in amongst them who is accused of being a rival king to Caesar. So, they mock Him. They despise His authority and do whatever they can to humiliate Him and cause Him pain. Why does Jesus suffer this shame and humiliation? For us. He wears the crown of thorns that we deserve, so we can wear a crown of glory. The crime and the shame is ours, but He takes our place, so that we might have eternal life through believing in Him. This is the amazing love and grace pictured for us in Jesus’ death. Everytime someone pretends to serve the Lord Jesus, but in his heart values something or someone more, he mocks the Lord just as these soldiers do.


  1. Why did Jesus’ death have to be bloody?
  2. Why did the soldiers mock Jesus?
  3. Why did Jesus let them mock Him?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks for what Christ has done on your behalf.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.