Mark 15:21-32 – Amazing Love

Jesus is taken to be crucified, and on the way the Roman soldiers force Simon (probably one of Jesus’ followers) to carry the cross. They take Him to Golgotha, which is a hill that looks like a skull. They offer Jesus wine mixed with myrrh which will act as a drug to help the pain, but He refuses. So, with no pain killers, He is nailed in His hands and feet to the cross. The soldiers divide His clothes, not knowing that they are fulfiling ancient prophecies about the Messiah. Jesus hangs there naked, so He can clothe us with His perfect righteousness, so we will not stand naked before God. Even the sign over His head speaks truly of who He is. The crowds, soldiers, and religious leaders continue to make fun of Jesus. Yet, there is some truth in what they say. In order for Christ to save others, He cannot save Himself. The people want to see and believe, but that is not God’s way of working – only after we believe can we see what we have been hiding from ourselves.

We must remember that Jesus endured all this for those who believe in Him. Through Jesus’ condemnation we are declared not guilty, through His suffering we have peace, through His shame, glory, and through His death, life. The thought of Christ’s love for us should make us want to live our lives as His servants who love Him wholeheartedly.


  1. Why didn’t Jesus drink the wine?
  2. What did the sign over Jesus’ head say?
  3. Why couldn’t Jesus save Himself?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for the preaching and hearing of God’s Word tomorrow.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.