Mark 16:1-8 – Joy Comes in the Morning

Jesus has been in the tomb three days. The sabbath of rest is over; the sabbath where the chief priests, their hands full of the blood of Christ, carry out all the ceremonies of worship to God; the sabbath where it seems Satan has won. But it is the first day of a new week and the first day of a new world. The women are coming to anoint Jesus, and they are worrying about how they are going to move the stone. The resurrection, though, has made all their worries unnecessary. What they could never have done themselves, God has done for them. So often, as we try to love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ, we worry about all the possible obstacles, and then we find that Jesus removes and helps us past them all.

The angel is there in the empty tomb with a message of mercy and joy for Jesus’ friends. Jesus has risen. This resurrection is His discharge from prison; His receipt that the debt owed to God because of sin has been paid, and we are free. The women are to tell the disciples because Jesus still loves and cares for them despite what they have done. They must also tell Peter specifically as a sign that he is still part of the group – the good news is for him as well. The women still don’t understand; they are afraid, confused, and happy, but their fears keep them from telling any but the disciples. Often our fears and worries can keep us from serving Christ.


  1. Why were the women going to the tomb, and what were they worried about?
  2. Why might Peter have been mentioned specifically in the angel’s message?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks that Jesus rose from the dead.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.