Mark 16:19-20 – Christ our King

Jesus returns to the glory He had before in heaven. He is welcomed there as the victorious King, and He rules at the right hand of God. He does not sleep or sit there doing nothing, but He controls every detail of the world. He defends those who trust in Him before God the Father and applies His perfect life to them. He is always ready to help, comfort, and encourage His people. No matter how much we stumble and are weak, Jesus is all powerful and in control of all things. Christians can always be encouraged by realising that Jesus loves them, takes care of them, and they are going to be with Him.

The Church moves forward with her Lord in heaven. The followers of Christ work diligently, telling the Gospel everywhere. They are met with lots of persecution, trouble, danger, and hardship, but God works with them to make their labour successful. He changes hearts through the power of the Holy Spirit. God’s Word is never preached in vain. Believers are gathered out of the world; churches are founded in country after country. Christianity grows from a little seed into a great tree. Despite every obstacle, God’s work goes on. Christians can take great comfort from this realising that God is still working with them to make what they do successful. No one will ever find that the work they have done for Christ has been useless.


  1. Where did Jesus go?
  2. Who changes people’s hearts?
  3. Why didn’t persecution stop the church?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for the preaching and hearing of God’s Word tomorrow.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.