Mark 16:9-14 – ‘They Did Not Believe It.’

Mary Magdalene has been forgiven much (Jesus healed her of seven demons), she has loved much, and she is honoured to be the first to see the Lord Jesus Christ after the resurrection. She is last at the cross and first at the grave, and the Lord values her love and faithfulness. Those who honour Christ, He will honour. No matter how great or many your sins have been, if you repent and believe the Gospel, you are at peace with God as Mary Magdalene is.

Those who have seen Jesus can’t keep quiet about it. They must tell the disciples who are grieving for the death of their Lord. This resurrection is the seal of the great work that Jesus came on earth to do. It is proof that the ransom He paid for sinners is accepted and victory is won. The greatest comfort to Christians today is the same as it is for the disciples then – our Lord has risen from the grave and won victory over sin on our behalf.

But the other disciples don’t believe those who have seen Jesus. Their unbelief and refusal to admit the resurrection until they see Jesus Himself is like all unbelievers who refuse to admit the truth until the Holy Spirit changes their hearts, takes away their blindness, and through the Bible shows them what Jesus has done. The unbelief of the disciples also reminds us that even among believers there can be times of doubt and unbelief, so we should watch and pray against it.


  1. Who was the first to see Jesus?
  2. Why is Jesus’ resurrection so important?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks that Jesus rose from the dead.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.